
cat's scent

cat's glance









"And gold particles
And fine sand
Adorn their mystic pupils
With dainty stars "

     Charles Baudelaire

The cat's eyes - fascinating ones that don't blink, that attract and intrigue, their pupils narrow into a vertical, little gap or widen amazingly, covering colorful irises like black pearls.

Watching the cat is an aesthetic experience, but studying the way it looks is a philosophical feeling and arouses uneasiness. Even the biggest ailurophile feels disquiet mixed with respect. Is it a kind of a trick? It seems so; people say that eyes show your feelings, but you cannot guess anything looking into cat's eyes. These impenetrable eyes, however, do not lack expression. Your little pet, which you have just told off because it scratched the sofa, poses guilty, but its eyes do not show repentance.

The cat's look becomes full of love under caress. It shows complacency with the whole body. It stretches out its paws, widening the claws, but the eyes, half-closed, stay indifferent.

No matter what it does: lurks, hunts, warms itself in the sun, guards the fridge or has a wash, it watches things carefully. It is only the way it bends the head, whiskers, cocks the ears, and moves the body and the tail, which shows intensity of concentration and intentions.

To understand the cat you should be able to read the symbolic of its gestures; as inscrutable Zen soul an eye is a mirror that does not reflect anything.

The cat - Zen? Perhaps.

The cat is always an angel or a devil. It is depends on what kind of feeling it is given to, and acceptation or rejection of its difference.

(extracts taken from the book "Cats" by Yann Arthus-Bertrand)

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